The Hadley Wood Association through the Planning Sub-Committee is coordinating the community response to Enfield Council Consultation on the Draft Local Plan. Deadline for Responses was Monday 13 September. The Plan allocates Green Belt meadows beside our Conservation Area for development, which is strongly opposed by residents.
The Campaign continues to be active even though the deadline for reponseses has passed.
Please see the Home page for links on how to DONATE and find out more on INFORMATION on how this plan will effect Hadley Wood.
Please scroll down for previous updates in chronological order.
14/09/21 HWA email to members
03/09/21 HWA email to members
27/08/21 Comments from PSC on Future Enfield leaflet
22/08/21 PSC update
20/08/21 HWA email to members
13/08/21 Our MP objects to the Plan
13/08/21 Solicitors appointed
12/08/21 Duchy of Lancaster case for having their site allocated for housing development
06/08/2 Summary of Public meeting 21st July
The Hadley Wood Association through the Planning Sub-Committee is coordinating the community response to Enfield Council Consultation on the Draft Local Plan. Deadline for Responses was Monday 13 September. The Plan allocates Green Belt meadows beside our Conservation Area for development, which is strongly opposed by residents.
The Campaign continues to be active even though the deadline for reponseses has passed.
Please see the Home page for links on how to DONATE and find out more on INFORMATION on how this plan will effect Hadley Wood.
Please scroll down for previous updates in chronological order.
14/09/21 HWA email to members
03/09/21 HWA email to members
27/08/21 Comments from PSC on Future Enfield leaflet
22/08/21 PSC update
20/08/21 HWA email to members
13/08/21 Our MP objects to the Plan
13/08/21 Solicitors appointed
12/08/21 Duchy of Lancaster case for having their site allocated for housing development
06/08/2 Summary of Public meeting 21st July
HWAMAIL 14/09/21 EXCITING FINAL ACTION DAY PLUS - Green Belt: Update and Target 1,000 Responses In Sight
We have had a tremendous last weekend of the main campaign, on individual responses and our main submissions.
OUR TARGET OF 1,000 RESPONSES IS IN SIGHT. By the formal deadline of 23:59 yesterday (Monday) We reached 900 (as received by HWA).
We can add the extra 100. We encourage all those who intended to respond but missed the deadline: PLEASE SEND YOUR RESPONSES over the next couple of days. We shall ensure that they are still taken into account; so please copy HWA.
All details and guidance on our website: RESPOND. A simple email to Enfield. Or ask for a template to sign.
We just need to keep up the momentum. Over the weekend we jumped from 350 to 900 by Monday night.
This will be a spectacular demonstration of our community joining together. A tremendous pressure on Enfield Council to change their terrible plan.
The other elements of our campaign are also falling into place. The major Planning Response from the Neighbourhood Planning Forum (prepared by Planning Sub Committee) has been submitted; very powerful. The HWA and HWCASG submissions are in. We have added Barnet MP and Councillor support to our own Councillors, MP and the Mayor of London. Other local organisations are strongly challenging the loss of green belt.
Please join all your fellow residents and present the strongest case we can.
We shall report soon on our next steps which include an approach to Duchy of Lancaster and active engagement with the planners. Please watch our website as we update it.
Robert Wilson
We have had a tremendous last weekend of the main campaign, on individual responses and our main submissions.
OUR TARGET OF 1,000 RESPONSES IS IN SIGHT. By the formal deadline of 23:59 yesterday (Monday) We reached 900 (as received by HWA).
We can add the extra 100. We encourage all those who intended to respond but missed the deadline: PLEASE SEND YOUR RESPONSES over the next couple of days. We shall ensure that they are still taken into account; so please copy HWA.
All details and guidance on our website: RESPOND. A simple email to Enfield. Or ask for a template to sign.
We just need to keep up the momentum. Over the weekend we jumped from 350 to 900 by Monday night.
This will be a spectacular demonstration of our community joining together. A tremendous pressure on Enfield Council to change their terrible plan.
The other elements of our campaign are also falling into place. The major Planning Response from the Neighbourhood Planning Forum (prepared by Planning Sub Committee) has been submitted; very powerful. The HWA and HWCASG submissions are in. We have added Barnet MP and Councillor support to our own Councillors, MP and the Mayor of London. Other local organisations are strongly challenging the loss of green belt.
Please join all your fellow residents and present the strongest case we can.
We shall report soon on our next steps which include an approach to Duchy of Lancaster and active engagement with the planners. Please watch our website as we update it.
Robert Wilson
HWAMAIL 3/9/21 - ONLY TEN DAYS TO GO : Save our Green Belt! Deadline 13/9. UPDATE public meeting.
Enfield Council plan to take away our Green Belt meadows, an integral part of our Conservation Area, for a mixed housing development.
If you share the deep concern of many residents about the irretrievable damage to our environment and the character of Hadley Wood, you can do something:
SEND YOUR RESPONSE TO ENFIELD COUNCIL NOW - the deadline is Monday 13 September, only ten days away.
Please visit our website and click RESPONSE for simple instructions on sending an EMAIL to: [email protected]
cc [email protected]
Draft Local Plan - SiteSA45 - Hadley Wood
with your name and address
There is guidance on the range of Planning objections and the importance of expressing in your own words your own connections with Hadley Wood, why you value the Green Belt and our heritage, why you consider 160 additional homes on this site is unsustainable here, and the Planning objections that match your concerns. It is important to copy or forward to HWA.
This is your response to the Council’s consultation. Tell them what you think. We can make a difference with the weight of community feeling.
We have a target of 500 Hadley Wood households and over 1,000 total individual responses. We are well on the way (now approaching 200 households) but we need many more to make a strong impact on the Planners, and convince them to take this site out of the Plan and protect its Green Belt status.
We can achieve the targets if everyone reading this email puts in a response, if everyone who has already responded encourages even two more neighbour householders, and everyone prompts additional individual objections from family and friends with any HW connections.
Our second zoom meeting was another success with a “hall full” (about 100) on the call.
We are preparing a report to put on website and aim to include the VIDEO that was shown, and is now out on social media. Please do share that video and encourage “likes” and ACTION, ie sending Responses (visit website for guidance).
We have a recording of the meeting and are seeing whether it can easily be edited. We invite email requests to receive a link.
The main content of the meeting was a presentation by Lakis Pavlou (for our Planning Sub Committee) of the detailed work being done, the use of consultants, and the very strong case being prepared on several planning grounds why the Green Belt status must be retained, and why intensified development here is not sustainable. We are in good hands on the main community Planning Objection, but this needs a volume of individual objections to support it.
I took the opportunity to announce that donations to our appeal now exceed £50,000 - a terrific show of support and necessary to cover the consultants. We continue to seek contributions to build our full £100,000 fighting fund. This is a long process, with Duchy of Lancaster next in our sights once we have completed the Responses to Enfield by 13 September.
We look forward to seeing many more Responses over the next few days.
Robert Wilson
Enfield Council plan to take away our Green Belt meadows, an integral part of our Conservation Area, for a mixed housing development.
If you share the deep concern of many residents about the irretrievable damage to our environment and the character of Hadley Wood, you can do something:
SEND YOUR RESPONSE TO ENFIELD COUNCIL NOW - the deadline is Monday 13 September, only ten days away.
Please visit our website and click RESPONSE for simple instructions on sending an EMAIL to: [email protected]
cc [email protected]
Draft Local Plan - SiteSA45 - Hadley Wood
with your name and address
There is guidance on the range of Planning objections and the importance of expressing in your own words your own connections with Hadley Wood, why you value the Green Belt and our heritage, why you consider 160 additional homes on this site is unsustainable here, and the Planning objections that match your concerns. It is important to copy or forward to HWA.
This is your response to the Council’s consultation. Tell them what you think. We can make a difference with the weight of community feeling.
We have a target of 500 Hadley Wood households and over 1,000 total individual responses. We are well on the way (now approaching 200 households) but we need many more to make a strong impact on the Planners, and convince them to take this site out of the Plan and protect its Green Belt status.
We can achieve the targets if everyone reading this email puts in a response, if everyone who has already responded encourages even two more neighbour householders, and everyone prompts additional individual objections from family and friends with any HW connections.
Our second zoom meeting was another success with a “hall full” (about 100) on the call.
We are preparing a report to put on website and aim to include the VIDEO that was shown, and is now out on social media. Please do share that video and encourage “likes” and ACTION, ie sending Responses (visit website for guidance).
We have a recording of the meeting and are seeing whether it can easily be edited. We invite email requests to receive a link.
The main content of the meeting was a presentation by Lakis Pavlou (for our Planning Sub Committee) of the detailed work being done, the use of consultants, and the very strong case being prepared on several planning grounds why the Green Belt status must be retained, and why intensified development here is not sustainable. We are in good hands on the main community Planning Objection, but this needs a volume of individual objections to support it.
I took the opportunity to announce that donations to our appeal now exceed £50,000 - a terrific show of support and necessary to cover the consultants. We continue to seek contributions to build our full £100,000 fighting fund. This is a long process, with Duchy of Lancaster next in our sights once we have completed the Responses to Enfield by 13 September.
We look forward to seeing many more Responses over the next few days.
Robert Wilson
27/08/21 Comments from the PSC on the Future Enfield leaflet that was distributed last week click HERE to read
- “we are building 10,000 new homes at Meridian Water” – the 20 year Plan only includes 5,000 homes for Meridian Water (the other 5,000 are expected to be built after the Plan period).
- “The Draft Local Plan proposes development on just 7% of the Green Belt land in Enfield” - the SHLAA lists Green Belt sites totalling 330ha, which would represent 11% of the 3,058ha total Green Belt land in Enfield (or 12% if the 305ha Lea Valley reservoirs, which are also classified as Green Belt, are excluded). Also, the 6,500 new homes to be built on Green Belt land represents 26% of the 25,000 total new homes.
- “commit to delivering 50% of new homes as genuinely affordable” - Policy H2 requires 50% of new homes to be affordable for council-owned sites, industrial land and Green Belt land, but only 35% on all other major housing developments (= 10 or more new homes). Not only does the 35% render the 50% overall target unachievable, but policy H2 does not require homes to be “genuinely affordable” (= 50% of market rent, whereas merely “affordable” is 80% of market rent).
- “By 2039, Enfield’s population is expected to have grown by 50,000” – it is not clear where that growth (to 383,800 by 2039) is evidenced, and earlier projections expected a population of only 358,300 by 2032 (https://new.enfield.gov.uk/healthandwellbeing/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/Enfield-People.pdf). The increased growth is surprising, especially as Greater London’s population has fallen over the past year, due to Brexit and Covid.
- “Enfield Council’s Draft Local Plan prioritises developing on brownfield sites” – the Plan doesn’t have a settlements hierarchy or sequential approach; there is no requirement to use brownfield sites before Green Belt land is developed. Also, a range of brownfield sites have not been considered.
- “6,500 homes are proposed in the rural areas. This will deliver new neighbourhoods with family size homes” – “rural areas” should read “Green Belt”, and developer input suggests that, to make the Hadley Wood site financially viable, the 160 new homes will comprise modest sized Affordable Housing and expensive high spec apartments, so not the “family size homes” referred to.
- “Developing a Local Plan that will stop skyscrapers in inappropriate locations” – whilst very tall buildings will only be allowed in certain areas, the Plan allows up to 21m height (7 floors) in all other built-up areas in the borough. That would be wholly inappropriate in locations such as Hadley Wood and contradicts the London Plan’s requirement for permissible heights to be established per site, based on a design-led approach.
- “Sustainability” – the site assessments do not evidence that sustainability has been duly considered, and the proposals for Hadley Wood would not represent sustainable development.
22/08/21 – PSC provide a brief update on their initial assessment of the Council’s case for the allocation of the land at Camlet Way / Crescent West for housing development
Our representations will focus upon the proposed allocation of land at Camlet Way and Crescent Way in Hadley Wood (Site Allocation SA45), involving the release of the site from the Green Belt.
• The rationale for release of the site from the Green Belt is not justified nor suitably evidenced. Enfield Council’s own studies indicate that the site contributes strongly to the purposes of the Green Belt and any development of the site would be considered to be harmful to the Green Belt.
• Release of the site is not justified in terms of housing supply. The Council has clearly not established the future housing requirement for the Borough and until this is established it is inappropriate to consider Green Belt releases. The Council have not fully considered and assessed all opportunities for development and intensification within existing built-up areas. Until this is undertaken, Green Belt releases cannot be justified. Additionally, there is little evidence to support the suitability or deliverability of the site, with the site information in the Enfield Council SHLAA being limited.
• The rationale for identifying land at Camlet Way and Crescent Way as an opportunity for growth is based upon proximity to Hadley Wood railway station. However, proximity alone is not sufficient to justify growth and development. Existing public transport services are poor and with no improvements to services in the pipeline the ‘sustainability’ of the site as a location for development must be questioned. Development of this site as well as other Green Belt releases proposed in the Regulation 18 Local Plan, are likely to increase the volume of traffic and congestion in the borough, including that along Cockfosters Road, which already suffers congestion and where there are existing safety concerns, none of which the Local Plan appears to be addressing.
• The impact of development on the site on the adjacent conservation areas, in both Hadley Wood and Monken Hadley, has not been sufficiently considered. The Green Belt assessment is restricted to land within the borough boundary, even though the conservation area at Monken Hadley immediately adjoins the conservation area and is important to the setting of the area. Furthermore, it does not appear that there has been any cross-boundary discussion or considerations when reviewing the Green Belt.
• The site is within an Area of Special Character, identified as recently as 2013, for its unique and historic landscape. There have been no changes since 2013 to suggest that these qualities have changed. Release of this site would conflict with and cause harm to its special qualities.
The PSC is still reviewing the Local Plan documents and working with the consultants and hopes to provide a further update at the Public Zoom meeting on Wednesday 1st September at 7.30pm. Click HERE to request details.
Our representations will focus upon the proposed allocation of land at Camlet Way and Crescent Way in Hadley Wood (Site Allocation SA45), involving the release of the site from the Green Belt.
• The rationale for release of the site from the Green Belt is not justified nor suitably evidenced. Enfield Council’s own studies indicate that the site contributes strongly to the purposes of the Green Belt and any development of the site would be considered to be harmful to the Green Belt.
• Release of the site is not justified in terms of housing supply. The Council has clearly not established the future housing requirement for the Borough and until this is established it is inappropriate to consider Green Belt releases. The Council have not fully considered and assessed all opportunities for development and intensification within existing built-up areas. Until this is undertaken, Green Belt releases cannot be justified. Additionally, there is little evidence to support the suitability or deliverability of the site, with the site information in the Enfield Council SHLAA being limited.
• The rationale for identifying land at Camlet Way and Crescent Way as an opportunity for growth is based upon proximity to Hadley Wood railway station. However, proximity alone is not sufficient to justify growth and development. Existing public transport services are poor and with no improvements to services in the pipeline the ‘sustainability’ of the site as a location for development must be questioned. Development of this site as well as other Green Belt releases proposed in the Regulation 18 Local Plan, are likely to increase the volume of traffic and congestion in the borough, including that along Cockfosters Road, which already suffers congestion and where there are existing safety concerns, none of which the Local Plan appears to be addressing.
• The impact of development on the site on the adjacent conservation areas, in both Hadley Wood and Monken Hadley, has not been sufficiently considered. The Green Belt assessment is restricted to land within the borough boundary, even though the conservation area at Monken Hadley immediately adjoins the conservation area and is important to the setting of the area. Furthermore, it does not appear that there has been any cross-boundary discussion or considerations when reviewing the Green Belt.
• The site is within an Area of Special Character, identified as recently as 2013, for its unique and historic landscape. There have been no changes since 2013 to suggest that these qualities have changed. Release of this site would conflict with and cause harm to its special qualities.
The PSC is still reviewing the Local Plan documents and working with the consultants and hopes to provide a further update at the Public Zoom meeting on Wednesday 1st September at 7.30pm. Click HERE to request details.
20/8/21 : HWA email to members UPDATE SAVE OUR GREEN BELT! 3 weeks left + MEETING 1/9/21
NEEDED: MORE RESPONSES TO ENFIELD BEFORE 13/9/21 (Monday, 3 weeks to go)
DATE: SECOND PUBLIC MEETING 1/9/21 (Wednesday 7.30pm) by Zoom.
The campaign to raise AWARENESS of the threat to our Green Belt has generated a lot of interest, through a full leaflet drop, public meeting (21/7) and Hadley Wood News. We need to turn awareness into action.
Our big campaign push now is to ACCELERATE the individual Responses sent to Enfield Council. Our target is 500 HW households (half); with multiple family responses, friends, neighbouring areas we could exceed 1,000 and make a real impact on the planners.
Thanks to those who have already sent Responses to Enfield; we are receiving plenty of copies, but please FORWARD TO HWA if you have not yet done so. Can all Responders encourage other family members and friends (whether residents or not, especially if they have any Hadley Wood connections) to add their Responses; this can quickly multiply the number of Responses.
For those who have not yet sent responses, we are refreshing the website to provide more guidance and a simpler list of possible points - but please give your own views, what concerns you, what evidence you can give and use your own words. Remember to include your address and copy to HWA. Please ACT – check website and SEND YOUR RESPONSE to Enfield:
[email protected]
CC [email protected]
Draft Local Plan – Site SA45 Hadley Wood
We shall hold a second public meeting by Zoom at 7.30pm on Wednesday 1 September, two weeks before the consultation deadline of 13 September.
A report of the first meeting is on the website and in the August Hadley Wood News.
As before, we shall send out the zoom invitation by HWAMAIL and other channels. Anyone connected to Hadley Wood can email us to receive the invitation. We shall ensure we have enough zoom capacity this time!
The purpose is to inform as well as spur action (Responses). PSC will present how their preparation is going, including the advices from the consultants that your donations are supporting. How we see the impact we can make on Enfield Council. And listen to your views and information.
Please email in advance with any points you wish us to consider or questions to ask.
The effort to raise FUNDS has progressed strongly: already over £40,000 raised towards the £100,000 fighting fund. Our PSC (Planning Sub Committee) has been working really hard preparing the community Response with consultants and lawyers. It will be very impressive. The funds are needed: over £50,000 is already committed and there is a long way to go. We continue to ask residents to join the campaign with their contribution.
Donations have come from across Hadley Wood most often at the suggested £200 but many at higher amounts including now over twenty in four figures. All are generously given and much appreciated. Please accept this as our thank you from HWA and Planning Sub Committee to each donor.
We encourage your involvement in any way you can. A magnificent example is the offer by Bill and Katie Morris to produce a short video for us (filming tomorrow) to put out on social media and reach residents (including teenagers and students) who may not read our emails - climate change and the environment are a very strong subject and directly connected to Green Belt. Teenagers are as entitled to respond to Enfield as everyone else, and their views should be heard.
We look forward to seeing a high volume of copy Responses from you and all your network of family and friends.
For HWA and PSC
NEEDED: MORE RESPONSES TO ENFIELD BEFORE 13/9/21 (Monday, 3 weeks to go)
DATE: SECOND PUBLIC MEETING 1/9/21 (Wednesday 7.30pm) by Zoom.
The campaign to raise AWARENESS of the threat to our Green Belt has generated a lot of interest, through a full leaflet drop, public meeting (21/7) and Hadley Wood News. We need to turn awareness into action.
Our big campaign push now is to ACCELERATE the individual Responses sent to Enfield Council. Our target is 500 HW households (half); with multiple family responses, friends, neighbouring areas we could exceed 1,000 and make a real impact on the planners.
Thanks to those who have already sent Responses to Enfield; we are receiving plenty of copies, but please FORWARD TO HWA if you have not yet done so. Can all Responders encourage other family members and friends (whether residents or not, especially if they have any Hadley Wood connections) to add their Responses; this can quickly multiply the number of Responses.
For those who have not yet sent responses, we are refreshing the website to provide more guidance and a simpler list of possible points - but please give your own views, what concerns you, what evidence you can give and use your own words. Remember to include your address and copy to HWA. Please ACT – check website and SEND YOUR RESPONSE to Enfield:
[email protected]
CC [email protected]
Draft Local Plan – Site SA45 Hadley Wood
We shall hold a second public meeting by Zoom at 7.30pm on Wednesday 1 September, two weeks before the consultation deadline of 13 September.
A report of the first meeting is on the website and in the August Hadley Wood News.
As before, we shall send out the zoom invitation by HWAMAIL and other channels. Anyone connected to Hadley Wood can email us to receive the invitation. We shall ensure we have enough zoom capacity this time!
The purpose is to inform as well as spur action (Responses). PSC will present how their preparation is going, including the advices from the consultants that your donations are supporting. How we see the impact we can make on Enfield Council. And listen to your views and information.
Please email in advance with any points you wish us to consider or questions to ask.
The effort to raise FUNDS has progressed strongly: already over £40,000 raised towards the £100,000 fighting fund. Our PSC (Planning Sub Committee) has been working really hard preparing the community Response with consultants and lawyers. It will be very impressive. The funds are needed: over £50,000 is already committed and there is a long way to go. We continue to ask residents to join the campaign with their contribution.
Donations have come from across Hadley Wood most often at the suggested £200 but many at higher amounts including now over twenty in four figures. All are generously given and much appreciated. Please accept this as our thank you from HWA and Planning Sub Committee to each donor.
We encourage your involvement in any way you can. A magnificent example is the offer by Bill and Katie Morris to produce a short video for us (filming tomorrow) to put out on social media and reach residents (including teenagers and students) who may not read our emails - climate change and the environment are a very strong subject and directly connected to Green Belt. Teenagers are as entitled to respond to Enfield as everyone else, and their views should be heard.
We look forward to seeing a high volume of copy Responses from you and all your network of family and friends.
For HWA and PSC
13/08/21 – Bambos Charalambous MP object to loss of Green Belt
Our MP Bambos Charalambous MP has written to Enfield Council asking them to protect the Green Belt against inappropriate development. This is welcome news. To read a copy of his letter to the Council, please click HERE
13/08/21 – Foot Anstey planning solicitors appointed
The Planning Sub-Committee (PSC) are pleased to announce the appointment of Foot Anstey planning solicitors to work with the PSC in helping to formulate the response to Enfield Council on the Local Plan consultation.
The PSC are already working with Troy Planning consultants (www.troyplanning.com) who were involved in the preparation of the draft Neighbourhood Plan; Enplan landscape consultants (www.enplan.net); JB Heritage consultants (jbheritage.co.uk) and Space Syntax consultants (www.spacesyntax.com). These consultants are producing technical reports to assist the PSC in preparing the response.
12/08/21 – SECOND PUBLIC MEETING announced
The HWA and Planning Sub-Committee (PSC) are pleased to announce a second public meeting to be held via zoom on Wednesday 1st September 2021 at 7.30pm. Click HERE to request details.
Our MP Bambos Charalambous MP has written to Enfield Council asking them to protect the Green Belt against inappropriate development. This is welcome news. To read a copy of his letter to the Council, please click HERE
13/08/21 – Foot Anstey planning solicitors appointed
The Planning Sub-Committee (PSC) are pleased to announce the appointment of Foot Anstey planning solicitors to work with the PSC in helping to formulate the response to Enfield Council on the Local Plan consultation.
The PSC are already working with Troy Planning consultants (www.troyplanning.com) who were involved in the preparation of the draft Neighbourhood Plan; Enplan landscape consultants (www.enplan.net); JB Heritage consultants (jbheritage.co.uk) and Space Syntax consultants (www.spacesyntax.com). These consultants are producing technical reports to assist the PSC in preparing the response.
12/08/21 – SECOND PUBLIC MEETING announced
The HWA and Planning Sub-Committee (PSC) are pleased to announce a second public meeting to be held via zoom on Wednesday 1st September 2021 at 7.30pm. Click HERE to request details.
12/08/21 Duchy of Lancaster Case for having their site allocated for housing development
We set out below the key points that the Duchy have made to the Council to convince them to remove the Duchy land from the Green Belt and allocate it for housing development.
Their main argument is that the site is in a sustainable location being close to the railway station, bus stops, shops and the school. They say the land does little to prevent sprawl or encroachment and has logical boundaries.
Their land can assist the Council in meeting its housing targets without a major review of the green belt in this location.
They see the site as rounding off the urban area and respecting the conservation area
They see the site as adding little to the setting or significance of the Conservation Area as its hidden behind landscaping and not that visible from the conservation area. They say only a small part of the site is part of the Conservation Area and that element of the site is “not being considered for development”.
They can provide a mix of housing sizes, types and tenures.
They will bring high quality design and remove detracting elements such as the layby
They can deal with any landscape issues through sensitive design. They say the area is visually well contained and there are limited long and medium distance views.
They say there is significant potential for new tree planting
They say they can offer reinstatement of key views out of the conservation area to offer framed views towards Wrotham Park
They can create green corridors and offer SUD’s drainage.
They say the location will greatly minimise journeys by car.
They say there are no ecology issues that would prevent the field from being developed on.
We will be responding to all these items as part of our objection.
We set out below the key points that the Duchy have made to the Council to convince them to remove the Duchy land from the Green Belt and allocate it for housing development.
Their main argument is that the site is in a sustainable location being close to the railway station, bus stops, shops and the school. They say the land does little to prevent sprawl or encroachment and has logical boundaries.
Their land can assist the Council in meeting its housing targets without a major review of the green belt in this location.
They see the site as rounding off the urban area and respecting the conservation area
They see the site as adding little to the setting or significance of the Conservation Area as its hidden behind landscaping and not that visible from the conservation area. They say only a small part of the site is part of the Conservation Area and that element of the site is “not being considered for development”.
They can provide a mix of housing sizes, types and tenures.
They will bring high quality design and remove detracting elements such as the layby
They can deal with any landscape issues through sensitive design. They say the area is visually well contained and there are limited long and medium distance views.
They say there is significant potential for new tree planting
They say they can offer reinstatement of key views out of the conservation area to offer framed views towards Wrotham Park
They can create green corridors and offer SUD’s drainage.
They say the location will greatly minimise journeys by car.
They say there are no ecology issues that would prevent the field from being developed on.
We will be responding to all these items as part of our objection.
06/08/21 Summary of the Public Meeting on 21st July 2021
The public meeting was a success with positive feedback on the information provided and confidence in our planning team (led by Lakis Pavlou and Esther Kurland). We had a hundred on the call, equivalent to a packed meeting at the Centre. The arrangements, led by Rupert Mackay (Trustee), worked well but apology to those who could not come in (as we reached the numbers limit
Following Rupert Mackay (on what HWA does, including recent campaign successes), Robert Wilson Chair HWA explained how we face a serious risk but we have real prospects of “winning” towards Enfield and possibly towards Duchy of Lancaster; we shall campaign hard but we invite comments sent to us on the full range of reactions to the local plan to help us know the community views. We then heard from:
(1) Esther Kurland: explaining the role of the local plan within the planning system, key points for our attention with intensification around our station another key element we need to oppose and overlaps with Green Belt;
(2) Local ward Councillor Alex Georgiou (why high response numbers matter; what other local groups are doing to oppose the threat to green belt across West Enfield; Save Cockfosters is also now a live Planning application with objections deadline 2 August);
(3) Lakis Pavlou introduced the Planning SubCommittee (with professional expertise) which is leading the assessment of the local plan, information on the website and the planning and legal response for the Association (by September deadline) plus guidance for individuals. He outlined the level of work and instructions to consultants and lawyers, the need for a large budget and a fighting fund for likely future expenditure. We are all very grateful indeed for this huge effort by volunteers.
(4) Robert Wilsonn explained the appeal: the need for a fighting fund, expected contributions and the donation mechanism through the website to a segregated account with a campaign mandate (please read) and Gift Aid declaration.
After a call to arms (working together) by our third Trustee Liz Snape, we turned to resident views and questions.
Chris Redburn expressed the views of many in his passionate wish to save these meadows within Green Belt as part of our Conservation Area and natural setting.
Robert Wilson read out a message from Nick Staton of his personal support for green belt and this campaign (with a four figure donation) and his comment that the draft local plan might affect saleability of houses (rather than price).
Kate Lobo raised the issue of drainage, such a prevalent problem across Hadley Wood, and the wider concerns on climate change. This proposal conflicts with all their tree planting and other policies.
John Leatherdale (one of the Planning team) responded to a question about Duchy landholdings in Hadley Wood and told us about his contacts on the history of the site (including Battle of Barnet fringe) and ecology (butterflies and more). His local knowledge and contacts are so valuable and interesting!
DUCHY OF LANCASTER. Please can any of you with experience and knowledge about DOL be in touch. One way for us to “win” is that DOL withdraw the site so it is no longer “available”. We are assessing the best way to approach them. Please let give us input and hold off making individual approaches to DOL in the meantime. They are sitting on a huge potential Planning Gain, so this may be mission impossible, but we shall try.
The public meeting was a success with positive feedback on the information provided and confidence in our planning team (led by Lakis Pavlou and Esther Kurland). We had a hundred on the call, equivalent to a packed meeting at the Centre. The arrangements, led by Rupert Mackay (Trustee), worked well but apology to those who could not come in (as we reached the numbers limit
Following Rupert Mackay (on what HWA does, including recent campaign successes), Robert Wilson Chair HWA explained how we face a serious risk but we have real prospects of “winning” towards Enfield and possibly towards Duchy of Lancaster; we shall campaign hard but we invite comments sent to us on the full range of reactions to the local plan to help us know the community views. We then heard from:
(1) Esther Kurland: explaining the role of the local plan within the planning system, key points for our attention with intensification around our station another key element we need to oppose and overlaps with Green Belt;
(2) Local ward Councillor Alex Georgiou (why high response numbers matter; what other local groups are doing to oppose the threat to green belt across West Enfield; Save Cockfosters is also now a live Planning application with objections deadline 2 August);
(3) Lakis Pavlou introduced the Planning SubCommittee (with professional expertise) which is leading the assessment of the local plan, information on the website and the planning and legal response for the Association (by September deadline) plus guidance for individuals. He outlined the level of work and instructions to consultants and lawyers, the need for a large budget and a fighting fund for likely future expenditure. We are all very grateful indeed for this huge effort by volunteers.
(4) Robert Wilsonn explained the appeal: the need for a fighting fund, expected contributions and the donation mechanism through the website to a segregated account with a campaign mandate (please read) and Gift Aid declaration.
After a call to arms (working together) by our third Trustee Liz Snape, we turned to resident views and questions.
Chris Redburn expressed the views of many in his passionate wish to save these meadows within Green Belt as part of our Conservation Area and natural setting.
Robert Wilson read out a message from Nick Staton of his personal support for green belt and this campaign (with a four figure donation) and his comment that the draft local plan might affect saleability of houses (rather than price).
Kate Lobo raised the issue of drainage, such a prevalent problem across Hadley Wood, and the wider concerns on climate change. This proposal conflicts with all their tree planting and other policies.
John Leatherdale (one of the Planning team) responded to a question about Duchy landholdings in Hadley Wood and told us about his contacts on the history of the site (including Battle of Barnet fringe) and ecology (butterflies and more). His local knowledge and contacts are so valuable and interesting!
DUCHY OF LANCASTER. Please can any of you with experience and knowledge about DOL be in touch. One way for us to “win” is that DOL withdraw the site so it is no longer “available”. We are assessing the best way to approach them. Please let give us input and hold off making individual approaches to DOL in the meantime. They are sitting on a huge potential Planning Gain, so this may be mission impossible, but we shall try.